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Mama Monday- Meet Maria

Meet Maria, boss babe (bunny and mouse boutique), DIYer, social media queen (the_vz_life) and all round super star!

Could you tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do:

Hi, I am Maria, 26 years old, married to Gideon who is in the defence force, and I am mama to Anrikke who is almost 3 , and Elsie-may who is 20 months Age when you had your first baby:

I was 24 when I had Anrikke What was your reaction when you found out you were pregnant?

I was so excited, we were very keen (and naiive) about being parents and we couldnt wait for our baby to arrive What has been your biggest challenge with running a business and being a mama at the same time?

time management. closely followed by me-time, How do you balance Home and work life? (any tips/tricks to share?)

I cry and drink wine, which is rather therapeutic.

Seriously I'm a scheduler from way back, I love having little time slots for everything, but now its sort of a whiteboard on the fridge that I write and cross my lists off of. Best piece of advice you were given about parenting:

Do what works.

Every baby and baby mama is different and there is not one fits all advice for parenting. Some good friends and well seasoned parents once said to us ignore everything that isnt useful and doesnt work and just bloody do what works.

sound advice.

What would you do if you weren’t doing your current job/running your business?

Sleep when the baby sleeps.

do all the play dates.

do crafts.

and have an immaculate house. Have you met any challenges being a mama in your 20s?


Ive had postnatal depression and anxiety since the birth of my oldest. ive been on and off medication now for a good part of 3.5 years.

things that help my symptoms are physical activity, getting out and doing things, having good support (my hubby as well as my friends), making time to do things I am passionate about, prayer and my christian faith, crying, medication, and speaking out about depression.

What has been your biggest challenge in your 20s (non-parenting related)?

Renovating our house.

We just bought a house end of last year, and we have pushed ourselves to our absolute limits to bring this old beauty up to scratch. It has been so fun, but theres been lots of tears along the way. It is a very emotional thing to pour your heart and soul into something and to sometimes meet setbacks along the way. If you could give one piece of advice to twenty-something’s pre kids what would it be?

Sleep in. Every. Possible. Chance. You. Get.

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